Welcome to my little corner of the world here.
I don't know as of yet what exactly I'll be using this blog for, but I suppose it'll be a good way to keep you informed in all my happenings and going on's in my professional life and career.
So on that note, here are some samples of the stuff I'm working on. I'm still freelancing, still looking for a steady gig, but in the meantime, I pretty much pay the bills making flyers.
Kinda like these...
This one I had fun doing... Had to make the Tiki and other elements from scratch (I mean, I could have gotten some clip art or something, but where's the fun in that?)

This one had to be a do-over since the client apparently didn't like the "boobies".
Instead they went for the generic "safe" design...
Now don't get me wrong, I like this version as well, it looks classy, elegant, and I got a chance to experiment on some new design techniques I've been aching to try out. But in my opinion the first one was more effective and more in keeping with the concept of a party called "Revealed". But oh well, customer's always right... right?
Well, I've got to get back to finishing up some more flyers, and continue working on the pages of the comic book I'm working on...
'Till then...